Friday, February 4, 2022

I was eighteen and didn’t know that I didn’t know how to tie a bow.  

As I was getting dressed to go somewhere, I tied the bow on my dress and the loops went every which way.  Ken said, “You want me to show you how to do that?”

I didn’t know that I didn’t know that there was a way to make the loops go side to side and the ends go down.

I stood still as my 25 year old husband tied the bow on his 18 year old wife’s shirt.  Perfect.  Who would have dreamed that a Marine knew how to tie a bow.

This morning as I was tying the bow on my drawstring pants, and the loops went perfectly sideways and the strings lay down, I thought of that moment and the millions of bows I have tied since.

It’s moments like that that I really miss him.

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