Wednesday, February 2, 2022

This is post 2343.  Unbelievable.  A thousand miles starts with the first step.  I wonder if someday, some great-great-great grand child will read any of these.

Jeanette gave me a book I’m reading that was written in 1920.  One-hundred and two years ago.  It is about science from a child’s point of view.  The first chapter tells how to heat the house you live in with coal. It says that maybe a hundred years from now people may use electricity in some way, but it is doubtful because it would be too expensive.

It says you have to have a basement to put the heater furnace in.  Some houses in Pryor, maybe three or four, have basements. People from the east who didn’t know about the water table in Oklahoma built houses in Oklahoma with basements.  They are filled with water now.  Nobody builds a house with a basement in Oklahoma if they have good sense.

We did our wash in tubs.  Hung clothes on the line by pinning one garment’s shoulder to the next to conserve clothes pins.  Everyone had a clothes line.  Everyone ironed.  I have an iron and ironing board I haven’t used in over six years. I don’t know why I keep them?  

We don’t have to have a recipe to make cornbread or biscuits.  We just whip them up.  Bread was the staff of life.  Now it is junk food.

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