Monday, February 14, 2022

Happy Valentine’s day.  I am going to celebrate by going to the grocery store.  I haven’t been in three months.  But there comes a day that you just have to walk the aisles and figure out what you need. 

I should keep a list, but according to my nature, that’s impossible.  I would lose it.

I have paper everywhere.  I just went through a stack of it and separated out my tax stuff and shredded every thing else.  It felt like I lost fifty pounds.  I stack stuff up for the entire year and when I finally go through it, I wonder why I didn’t throw half of it away the day it came in the mail.

I did find dozens of notes I have written to myself about things I needed to do, needed to blog about, needed to buy.  It’s useless.  I don’t know why I feel the compunction to write things down.  I just misplace them.

I did accomplish something last week.  I took the large recycle trash can to the garage.  It has been sitting in front of the fridge for four years. I put it there when I moved here across the street and never moved it.  When I moved here, I had Tony build me a cabinet with a pull out recycle bin that I never used because I had to open the cabinet door to get at it.  Lazy, lazy...I’ve repented.

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