Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Jeanette brought me two huge quiches.  I sliced them into 12 pieces each, wrapped them in Saran and froze them.  Breakfast for many days.  It makes me very happy.

I am going to late lunch with friends in a little while.  And when I get home I am going to make tabouli.  All I think about lately is food.  I seem to be hungry all the time.  I have a raging metabolism and burn up whatever I eat.  And luckily, I don’t like sweets.

The grocery stores have many empty shelves.  One of the clerks said it varies from day to day.  Yesterday they had beef pot pies, and no turkey or chicken.  The  clerk said they hadn’t had chicken or turkey pot pies in weeks.  The truckers are having a hard time keeping the supply chain going.  Packers have had a hard time keeping the chicken plants staffed.  I like my chicken pot pie better anyway.  But I have to cook it.

We are all tired of this.  But I think it is here to stay in some form or another. Like the flu.  I always get my flu shot and can’t remember having the flu, or even a cold, in twenty years or so.  Knock on wood.  Sometimes they don’t even know what to put in the shot.  I think they measure the flu variant on what Australia is doing.  They stay a season ahead of us.

February is half over.  What happened to it!!??  Where did the last two years go anyway? 


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