Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Becky Bacon said that she bought three books on Tuesday, someone else was there and bought four and another person  came in and bought more before she even got checked out.  I hope the book store ordered enough for everyone who wants one can get one.  People seem to be buying them for birthday gifts, etc.  I hope they don’t run out. 

But whoever was running the store said they only ordered 48.  They assured me there would be one hundred.  I don’t think I have it in my physically to drive to Pryor twice!! to sign books.  But if that happens, I’ll try.  The publisher said they would be available on the general market like Amazon in the fall.  Seems like the publisher wants to give my home town first go at it.

This is strange for me.  To write a book, have it published, and have people want to read it.  Flattering to be sure, but strange.  I am having to readjust to all of this.

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