Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Yesterday the wind blew so hard in the night that there were leaves all over the yards on our block.  I have reached the age that I sleep through it all.  It is a wonderful age.  Unless the whistle blows.  Then I walk across the street in the rain to Jeanine’s house and watch the news with her.  She has a cellar if we need it.

It’s not like the good old days when everyone was in a panic every time a suspicious cloud appeared. Now we can watch its path  on TV as it approaches and don’t have to  get in the fraidy hole with the spiders and wait until its over.  Remember how dark and wet those cellars were.  Slimey.  You never knew what would crawl by you.

Carolyn has a stray duck.  She has always had the town’s stray cats because she feeds them every morning.  But this stupid duck sits on an electrical wire in her back yard.  It doesn’t seem to know that it doesn’t have the kind of feet to do that.  It’s feet are flat.  They don’t curl around the wire.  She sent me a picture of it.  A duck sitting on a wire.  The question is “Why?”  Why not a pond, or on the ground.

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