Thursday, June 1, 2023

What happened to May???  It’s always been such a wonderful month and this year I feel like I missed it.

I have slowed down on posting...I know.  Once or twice a week seems to be all I can manage rather than five days a week.  I’ve posted over 2500 times.

I’ve been reading the Psalms every night when I crawl into bed.  They are such a comfort.  At least some of them are.  I need to start skipping the war and rebellion of some of the Old Testament books.   I told someone the other day that once you reach my age, you need to concentrate on the happy books and the application books of the New Testament.  What we want is peace and there doesn’t seem to be much of that in the world anymore.  I’ve lived through too many wars...starting with World War two. Enough already. (or land).  The root of all evil. 

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