Thursday, June 15, 2023

 I think I’ve turned over a new leaf and am going to start blogging first thing in the morning again...we’ll see if I can get back in the groove.

This Sunday, the lesson on relationships is about Eli and Samuel.  Carolyn asked me why Eli’s sons turned out to be so evil when Eli was an exemplary father figure to Samuel.  All I could think of is that sometimes, when we have our first child, we have no idea what we are doing.  Sometimes, children just don’t end up being the people we intend for them to be. 

When I had my first, I was in the boonies at Camp Pendleton, California.  I had never held a baby or anything else to do with babies.  I had no friends, no family, and Ken was somewhere in the air showing ground troops how to call in air support when they were in combat.  A neighbor got me to the hospital. I was nineteen.  

I brought a little piece of humanity home and did my best.  She turned out just fine, but I was a nervous wreck.  It’s a God given miracle we both survived.  She cried with colic--no one warned me about that.  I sat up night after night jiggling her--what do you do with colic? Ken couldn’t take off work to help.  I don’t know how that young girl did it.  I guess when we don’t know what we are doing, we just do our best.

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