Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Carolyn called this morning mad at a bottle cap. “Why do they seal theses things so that we can’t open them?!!” She asked me.  I had just tried to open something myself and was more than ready to yell about it.

“They put a plastic wrap around the bottle that you have to use a knife on to get started peeling it off.  Then, when you get the exterior plastic seal off,  it takes a vise grip to turn the lid.  And when you get the lid off, there is a paper seal-cap glued to the bottle that the only way you can get it started is to stab it with a knife.”

I agreed with her and told her that this morning I couldn’t get the seal broken to open the lid of a cranberry juice bottle and had to lay it down and beat on the lid with a hammer.  Turning the bottle and hammering the lid on every side.  Of course when it came loose, it leaked.  Who are we protecting anyway?

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