Friday, June 16, 2023

Okay...I’m late in the day, but here I am. I joined the Rusty Keys group today, and it is so interesting.  There is one lady who plays a fantastic fiddle hoe-down, then switches to classical violin.  She also plays the harp.  The talent in the group is amazing.  They sing, they play classical piano, and there are some who are just beginning to renew their instruments after many, many years.  It’s interesting.

They seem to like my marimba music, but getting it out of the trunk (in seven pieces) and getting it set up is daunting.  I told them I would play again when we meet at my house.  I have a full size marimba there.  The one in that I keep in the trunk of my car is smaller--and over 70 years old.  My folks bought it for me when I was 13.

I had been playing every month before the I left the marimba in pieces in the car.  But with the pandemic, we quit going to gatherings and I just never got it out of the car trunk.  I guess it is as good a place for it as any.

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