Monday, June 26, 2023

I still can’t talk, I have a frog.   I said so many words at the book-signing event on Saturday, I ran out of steam.  And those of you who know me well--that’s hard for me to do.

It was an humbling experience to say the least.  I have no idea  how many people, but at times they were backed up to the door--and I was at the back of the building.  Then when it was over, Chris---the owner of the bookstore, brought a huge stack of books that were pre paid and ordered for me to sign--and I thought I was through, and then he brought a case of books to sign for those who couldn’t make it.

My right arm is numb.  But what an  exciting event.  I got to see almost every one I knew--even Sally from Mississippi and her two girls.  To all of you--you really made my day. Let’s do it again in the fall when “The Macau Mavrick” comes out.

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