Wednesday, June 7, 2023

I’m rather excited.  I made the Oklahoma best seller list again for the third week in a row.  They have run out of books at the bookstore and the second edition will come out soon with revisions.  

The publisher and I finalized the revisions last night.  For the first time in over three years, I’m done.  No more editing.  I have now let go of it.  It isn’t mine anymore.  It’s out there and is public now.  Those of you who read it, the name Jacks has been restored to replace a substitute name.  Publishers are hesitant to use real names...but they finally agreed.

I went to a new dentist yesterday.  Hard to do.  But ending up in the hospital with and infection in my jaw bone was traumatic.  I don’t like change and other than moving, I don’t remember ever changing a doctor before.  It takes a while to get to know each other and I find that difficult.  Oh well, I have to adjust from time to time.  I don’t like adjusting.  I’m basically a hermit.

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