Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Okay, already!!  I am a delinquent blogger.  Somewhere in the last few months of being so sick, I lost my taw--as my mom would say.  Which for those of you who have never had a taw, it is your shooting marble.

Nobody plays marbles anymore.  Or hide and seek after sundown.  Or hopscotch.  Kids are glued to their phones.  They interact without seeing each other!!

So after over 2500 blogs, I am slowing down.  I hope you put up with me.

I plan the next day when I go to bed each night.  Yesterday I went to an appointment, had the carpets cleaned and wrote Carolyn a letter.  But today....nothing.  I have nothing written on my calendar.  It is lovely.  I am going to do the puzzles in the paper, the crossword, and work on a book I have started about my dad.

I love nothing days.  Kinda.  For an hour or two and then they get boring.  I’ll try to do better about blogging.

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