People say that I never tell you anything about my children. True. So here is a little bit.
My son Jon is extremely strong. When he was in high school his combined power was seven times his body weight. They gave him a T-shirt and a pat on the back and then they took his record down from the gym wall because it was such a discouragement to those who were coming along behind him. He is built like an ox. He played nose guard and simply moved the opposition out of the way. When I would get mad at him, he could pick me up and tell me I was cute when I was mad. He made all-state at fullback and played college ball. He teaches Physics and science at Moore.
My son Scott on the other hand was tall and fast. To look at the two of them you wouldn't know they came from the same family. I was proud of them not just because they were successful, but because they tried to do what they did with commitment. Scott played baseball and made all-state, then played for OU. He had the privilege of being struck out (as he puts it) by Roger Clemens. He has stayed in the game by umpiring for girl's softball. He also helps me out by teaching my "all women's" Bible class as a substitute. The ladies love it.
Ken was an all-state football half-back. Played for Tulsa Univ. and the Navy. My daughter Becky was an all-American cheer leader then went to OSU and became an industrial engineer. The only normal people in my family were me and my daughter Pat. We neither one understood why you would want to waste your time sweating. However, she ran horses in the summer for the Tulsa YMCA, buying and training them for trail rides. Blind and deaf children had special weeks to learn to ride. She started training people to ride while she was in high school and kept at it for over thirty years in the summer while holding down a full time teaching position in math.
To each his own I guess. When all of them graduated, I breathed a sigh of relief that I never had to watch another ball game. Which of course wasn't true, because I have nine grandchildren. Sometimes I have wondered why in the world God put me in a family of athletes. He certainly has a sense of humor because sports are one of the last things on my list to do, or watch.
Ecclesiastes 9:10 "Whatsoever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might." I read. I write.
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