I spoke about habits a few days ago. How hard they are to form. But once formed, fairly easy to keep. But then there are the habits you once had that you let slip. Good ones, that for some reason or another you let go by the wayside. You want to remake that habit, but starting again is tough.
After lying in a hospital bed for four days, I want to renew my strength. But it requires motion. And motion is exactly the thing I don't want to do. I want to sit. I know I have to renew the habit of exercise, but……. (I will, but I don't want to.)
And so we make excuses. Or promise ourselves we will do that later. I have always wondered why the things that are good for us are so hard to do, and the things that are bad for us are so easy.
I read a quote in Discover magazine that said that man is the only creature that chooses to harm himself on purpose. Even when he knows what he is going to do is wrong for his body or mind. He does it anyway.
Perhaps that is because other animals have nothing to rebel against. No God. We, on the other hand, seem to love to rebel. Give us a rule and we will break it.
Jesus came to save us from ourselves. From the rebellious nature that resists the authority of God.
Hevrews 2: 1 "Therefore we must give the more earnest heed to the things we have heard, lest we drift away."
It is so easy to drift.
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