Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Everything went perfectly.  It doesn't hurt as bad as I thought it would.  But of course, I'm on pain killers and am as loopy as a goose.

"Come unto me all ye that are....heavy laden and I will give you rest."   Matthew 11:28

I didn't realize how heavy this arm weighed on my soul until the doctor said, "There was a lot of dead tissue inside the elbow.  I removed it all--so maybe this will stop the recurring infection."

I certainly hope so.

Becky stayed with me at the hospital the entire time, an has come home with me for 24 hours.  The doctor told me, "No lifting, pulling--no anything.  I am grounded.  And Becky wields a mean whip.

But I can type.  God is good.

I will write something more interesting than stuff about "me" tomorrow!!!!!!

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