God is always God. He doesn't change. And the truth is always true--no matter what you think about it. In today's politically correct world, it is now a hate crime to quote God's Word on some subjects that God considers sin. Which means that we no longer have religious freedom of speech if we choose to disagree with current political policy. But we, as a people, do not get to decide what is sin, and what isn't. God decides that.
I can't even imagine how we got here. I guess it was one step at a time. In the fifties, everybody agreed on what was right, and what wasn't. But as disobedience to the Word of God became more and more prevalent, fewer and fewer people spoke against it. Everything you said became a personal indictment on another person instead of an indictment on Godless behavior.
And then the preachers quit talking about Hell. Or about damnation. Or about eternity. Or even about what the Bible has to say about behaviors that are abhorrent to God. It was a good way to lose your job. It was easier to just quit talking about it. Talk about love. Everybody loves love.
But if you are a person who is trying to please God, you need to be aware of what types of behaviors he condemns. And what kinds of behaviors he blesses. Otherwise you will miss it. The Bible is not a smorgasbord, where you take what you like and discard the rest. You must take it all. The truth is always true and the Bible has been translated into everyday English so you can understand the meaning of it. You can compare translations. I do it all the time when the pastor says something that I am not sure is in agreement with God's Word. Preachers aren't God. I always check.
God is always God. He doesn't change. And the truth is always true. We must hold on to that. There is an old saying, "You don't have to hate the sinner to hate the sin."
You and I are sinners, too. Maybe not the same sins, but to God, it's all sin. And the road to redemption always means you must repent. Which is not the same as being sorry. Repentance means that you do a one-eighty and head in the opposite direction. Permanently.
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