Monday, December 5, 2016

I am terrible when it comes to doing my homework in a Bible class I enrolled in.  I'll memorize the scripture, but filling in all those blanks (by the questions they ask) drives me nuts.  It takes so much time, and I have the answers in my head--so why write them down??

I guess we all have our own way of doing things.  We just need to be sure we know what we are doing.  That's a pretty important point.  Questioning ourselves is a good thing, "Why do I do this thing this particular way?  Is there a better way to do it?  Do I have to fill in the blanks?"

Our habits control us, and if we don't examine them, they can limit what we accomplish because we don't advance or learn anything new.  Or anything better.  In other words, we get in a rut.  I like the rut I'm in but I try and explore the edges of the rut on occasion to see what's out there.

I never go anywhere that I don't go through the four "P's" to be sure I'm not forgetting something critical.  1. Purse,  2. Passport,  3.  Phone,  4.  Pills.  Everything else that I forget can be replaced or bought when I get where I'm going.  I never take more than one small bag anywhere I go--including overseas.  But those four things are absolutes.

The first time I went to Paris, I stayed a week and the only thing I took besides the four P's was a backpack.  I am always amazed at the people getting off an airplane that have to navigate with four or five pieces of luggage.  Why?  I don't get it.

When we go to heaven, we aren't taking anything with us.  I'm especially anxious to get rid of the pills.  Just think, we are going to get new bodies.  It's a good thing because mine is pretty well shot.  It's served me well, but now it is falling apart.  A little here, a little there.

But God is good.  I'm still kicking.  I have no major pains that I can't endure.  And as long as the pace-maker keeps working, I'm good.  The doctor tells me that my heart is perfect in every way, except that it doesn't beat.  Psalms 51:10 "Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me."  God's in the business of fixing hearts.  

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