Thursday, December 15, 2016

I went to Pryor again.  It's unusual for me to go again so soon, but Squig needed to have his teeth cleaned.  They take good care of him at the Pryor Vet.  However, in the rush to get out of the house with everything I needed for two days, I forgot to post what I wrote the night before.

I think that maybe I've been trying to do too many things at once.  I left Edmond at 5:45, had breakfast with Carolyn at 8:00, unloaded an IBM that I didn't need any more at the computer store so they could find someone to donate it to. (Turns out they are giving it to my brother and sister-in-law for a mission of the church that they are involved in--I should communicate with my own family better!!)  While I was there, I gave Steve a disk to copy--10 more.  People keep asking for it.  (The ceremony at Arlington for Ken.)

Then I picked up a piece of jewelry at Ivan's that Kerry had reset in a new mounting.  Next I went to my old church to make a donation to Lottie Moon--I would do it at my church in Edmond, but they split it into a bunch of missions and I want mine to go exclusively to overseas missions because the brother that I failed to communicate with (noted above) was a missionary to China.

Next I had a doctor's appointment.   Which made me late for a funeral for a lady who helped me raise my children during the years I was so sick.  She practically became a permanent member of our family for over 60 years.  Loved her.  And finally grabbed lunch at 3:30.  Then went see my granddaughter Meagan's new house--and see my great-grandchildren and spend time with them.  It has been a very busy day.  Found time to ask God a couple of times to give me a safe trip driving.

So now, I'm still in Pryor after a long night with Squiq and Becky's dog Annie crawling all over me all night.   (As long as I was coming here, I brought them both)  I'm tired before I even get going.  I'm too old for this.

Maybe I will sleep tonight.  "You will keep a person in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on God."  Ecclesiastes 9:10

Tired, but peaceful.

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