I was really lonesome yesterday. Why that day? Who knows. Sometimes you wake up in the morning, get a cup of something hot, read the morning newspaper, do the suduko and crossword puzzle, fix your breakfast and then realize that you have the whole day in front of you and nothing special to do. And nowhere special to go. And no one special to see. And that makes you lonesome. For something, or someone, or somewhere.
I don't do that very often. But when I do, I know that I have to be the one to solve my problem. So yesterday, I got in the car and went down to Edmond Antiques to see Pam. She owns the store and has four huge rooms full of treasures. But she is the greatest treasure in the store. She is so upbeat.
And when I told her I was there because I was lonesome, she went into high gear to cheer me up--and tell me that my life had purpose, and that people listened to me, and that she loved reading my blog every day, and that I was wonderful, etc., etc. Sometimes you just need a friend to lift you up and tell you that you are special even when it's not true.
And just so I wouldn't have another day like yesterday of being in the dumps, I drove the 30 minutes to Pat's house to measure the dimensions of her bathroom, utility room and try once more to figure out how to attach a garage to her house. And Eureka!! We figured it out.
Everyone needs a purpose. And when I'm blue, I know that I am not busy enough. That I need more things to do for people. So I called a friend and am thinking about joining her in tutoring kids. The program is church based, so I have to get vetted. Problem is, the kids are grades 2-5. Not my calling. However she told me that they have a program for grades 7-12 as well which is where I taught in my church for many years.
Am I going to do it? I don't know. I'm going to try it. It will fill up one half of my Tuesdays. Now I just have to work on the other days.
"Whatsoever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might." Ecclesiastes 9:10
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