Monday, October 16, 2017

I am trying to type and Squig is on my left, licking my hand.  Why?  I don't know.  Maybe he needs attention.

Every time I try to do something positive, something negative occurs.  Well not negative necessarily.  Perhaps distracting would be a better word.  Squig is definitely distracting me.

This morning, I decided to do something that I have put off for two years.  Iron.  I needed a red shirt and all of my red shirts needed to be set the board up, heated up the iron and got after it.  But the doorbell rang.  It was my next-door neighbor's granddaughters who always come see me when they are here.  That was a real instance of "Saved by the Bell."  I turned off the iron and said a short prayer:  "Thank You."  I got seven shirts ironed, however.

And I'm not going to take the ironing board down.  There isn't that much left to do.  I guess that you have figured out that I don't like to iron.  But I do like to finish what I start.

The problem is, I have too many red shirts.  Every time there is an estate sale, when it is over, in the last few minutes, items can be purchased by "bid."  The managers try to get rid of every thing that is left--sometime in the last hour of the sale.  They are obligated to sell as much as they can for the owners.  I got a pair of red loafers in the box at the last sale that had never been worn.

I love bargains.

The greatest bargain out there today is eternal life.  It's free.  It has already been bought and paid for.  God wrapped Himself up in flesh, named Himself Jesus, and died for all the mistakes you ever made. And He didn't pick and choose who could have it.  He gave it as a gift to all of us.  All you have to do is give Him your will power and let Him direct your paths--which is always in your best interest.

Go get yours.  Best deal you'll ever find.

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