Wednesday, October 4, 2017

People find things they like to do.   I always loved jigsaw puzzles,  ring twist puzzles, mazes, and those "find six differences in a picture" puzzles.  If you have to figure something out that is visual, I want to do it.  Every morning when I get up, I do the sudoku, the ken-ken puzzle, the cryptograms and the crosswords.  Breakfast and getting dressed are way down on the list.

Do the things you love to do first--so you will be sure to get to them!! If you are lucky, you get to do them and call it "work."   I just naturally fell into love with mathematics and got to teach that subject as a career.  It was so much fun.  And I think fun is infectious.  If you are enjoying what you are doing, chances are it will rub off on those around you.

I always gave my students extra points if they could bring me a comic strip from the newspaper that was about math.  There are thousands of them.  A week seldom goes by that some comic strip isn't about math.  I would keep all the ones they brought me, put them in a weekly format and run them off for everyone in the class.  I'm sure that broke a copyright rule of some sort--I don't remember thinking about that at the time.

I just wanted to show them that they weren't alone if they felt like they couldn't learn math.  It is a universal dilemma.   The fact is that some people don't like puzzles, but you can learn the secret to doing them.  It may not be natural, but I know you can do them because for over 20 years I taught thousands of students (who had failed the subject in high-school) how to do algebra--which is a puzzle.  There is always a sequence to doing a puzzle.  You just have to follow the sequence.

It was fun watching students succeed at something they thought they couldn't do.

God gave us different interests.   I told you yesterday that I couldn't learn Italian.  I guess I should have said that languages don't come naturally to me.  But if you dropped me in Florence and left me there for a month or two, I bet I could learn to communicate on a basic level out of necessity.

I'm glad God made us different.  It makes life interesting.

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