Thursday, October 5, 2017

Some people make me weary.  Especially when I can't graciously get away from them.  You know the type.  They talk about themselves.  They talk about their superior children.  They talk about the latest cruise they've taken or where they are going on vacation in Europe.  They talk about their latest new car, or house, or watch, or dress, or boat, etc., etc.  They talk about their political views as if they are God inspired.  Both sides claim God's endorsement on every issue that comes up.

I like to be around people who talk about ideas.  Even if I don't agree with them.  Give me someone who can hold up their end of a conversation without being belligerent or rude.  Someone who can listen to another person's point of view and reexamine their own--or even intelligently explain their own view.  Someone who can think outside the box and doesn't need a soapbox.

I like to listen to people who know their facts, and who do not regale you with opinions that aren't based on anything that is relevant.  Opinions based on emotion drive me nuts.

I don't much care what your feelings are about a subject.  I do care what you do about it.  Talk, talk, talking about what you "feel" is exhausting and doesn't help me progress in an intelligent direction.

All this protesting that is going on is just wind blowing.  Nothing these protesters, on either side, (especially on Facebook) are doing is changing or helping any of the current problems.  Do something constructive to make a difference, or help someone, and I'll get on board and help you do it.  Doing something is a million times better than "feeling" something.

I am reminded of the "love chapter" in the Bible: 1 Corinthians 13:1-13,  part of which says, "...if I speak...and don't have love, I am become as sounding brass or a tinkling does not behave itself unseemly, does not seek for itself, is not puffed up, is not easily provoked..."

Some of these people who are arguing with each other need to take a "nice" pill or two or three.   There are a lot of tinkling cymbals out there.  Clanging brass.  Making noise.  Nothing else.

Where is "Miss Manners" when we need her?

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