Monday, October 9, 2017

Tonight I am going to a lecture by a man who is supposed to be an expert on Genesis.  We'll see.  So far, every time I have gone to listen to a Genesis expert, I've been disappointed.  But there is always a chance that I will learn something new.  I've been at this for over fifty years now.

The thing that bothers me about the dyed in the wool "He did it in six days--end of discussion" ideology, is that it leaves science out of it.  There seems to be a distrust of scientific discovery.  The fact that the rotation of the earth determines what a day is, and the fact that the rotation has been proved to have changed from time to time through the ages, (which means that a day is not necessarily 24 hours) seems to scare some Christians.  "God said it, I believe it, that settles it" doesn't seem to allow for exploration into the second way that God speaks to us.

I always start my lectures with the question:  "What are the two ways that God has communicated with mankind?"  Everybody gets the first one:  His words, the Bible.   But very few ever come up with the second one:  "The heavens declare (speak) the glory of unto day utterly speech...there is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard." Psalms 19

Verse after verse in the Bible tells us about God talking to us in creation, in the world, in the skies, in life on earth.  But many Christians are afraid of the scientific words of God.  They seem to think that science--the physical world--will contradict the written account--the Bible.   It won't.  They support each other.

God doesn't speak out of both sides of His mouth.  I find it exciting when a scientific or archeological discovery sends me back into the Bible to explore the written word.  I have never found a discrepancy between the two.  God's words in the physical world will always concur with his words in the written world.  No need to be afraid of science.  God invented it.

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