Monday, October 30, 2017

Wonderful news!  I took Squig back to the Vet last week and they have revised their theory of what is wrong.  He has lost four teeth around the one he broke and it left pockets in the bone which turned into cysts.  They are almost certain than he doesn't have cancer.  Praise God!  I gave him some fried chicken to celebrate.   I can't even express my joy.

I taught a lesson Sunday on a word that I had never thought much about.  (We are still in Exodus discussing Moses.)  The word is "glory."  What is it?  We talk about the "glory" of God, we sing about it, (Glory came down and heaven filled my soul).  We even have a national song that says, "Glory, glory hallelujah."

But what is it, exactly?

When the Israelites were in the wilderness, God had them build a tabernacle (tent).  He was very exact about the details because they would have to strike the tent every time they moved--toward the promised land.  The pieces had to fit together exactly.  Dove-tail in every joint.

After they finished all the pieces and put them together, God came in a cloud and filled the tabernacle with his "Glory."  You could see it.  And when Moses communed with God, God's glory made Moses' face reflect Him.  It frightened the people.

I decided that the best way I could define the word was to refer to our flag.  "Old Glory."  When we see it waving, or being raised, or over a casket of a fallen soldier, we react to it.  Some of us more than others because of our relationship with the flag.  So I think I would describe the word "Glory" as something reflected (when we look upon it) that takes place in our hearts.

God's glory (reflected upon us) changes us.  He is the light of the world.  And we are to live so that we glorify Him.  Let others see "...Christ in you, the hope of glory."  Colossians 1:27

"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your father which is in heaven."  Matthew 5:16

old glory

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