Friday, October 6, 2017

Last night was the last night of my publishing class.  I've got to find another one.  I'm all revved up to write.  I just have to find something to write about.  I truly enjoyed meeting the other writers.

I'm so enthused about it that I started digging things out of drawers that I had previously written--things I had started--back in the dark ages before computers.  Things I ended up quitting  in the middle of the process because the process was so irritating.  The thing that amazed  me was that I had the patience to put things on paper at all.  Without spell-check or automatic return--I had to use the return lever for every line, etc., etc.  Writing is so amazingly much easier now.  Back then, I didn't even have an electric typewriter.  It was all finger intensive.

And when I made a mistake, I had to trash that piece of paper and start over.  Until they invented correction tape--then later, correction liquid with a little brush.  Now when I make a mistake, it is automatically corrected.  The words automatically wrap to the next line.  It is amazing.   No typewriter ink-spool-tapes that have to be changed.  No carbon copy paper.  And I have a printer, a duplicator--all automatic.  It's a miracle.

My daughter took me to the Apple store and wouldn't let me look at the prices until I had picked out exactly what I wanted and handed the sales person my credit card.  I thought I would pass out when I got the receipt.  But it has been the best investment I ever made.

Someone asked me why I drive a 99 Lincoln and I said, "Because it still runs.  Why would I want to spend money on another car when I have a perfectly good one sitting in the garage?"  But the same is not true for laptops.  This Apple Mac is so far ahead of my old computer--the old one isn't even in the ball park.

I've come a long way, baby.  Most people won't even know what I'm talking about when I say carbon paper, whiteout, ink tape, return lever, or such things.  I'm happy for them.  They missed the hard part.  I'm going to start transcribing all that paper and pencil stuff to digital format.

 I no longer have a reason to stop writing.  I have no excuse.  It's all so easy now.

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