Thursday, October 12, 2017

Squig is lying in the recliner by my side peacefully allowing me to scratch his ears.  All is well today.      In two weeks, I'll know more.

If you are on Facebook, read Glenn Baker's account of being arrested.  It is terrible what the system did to him.  He is a sweet person who was accused of stealing in one state and locked up in another-- and although eventually proved innocent, and the charges dropped, he spent months in jail.

The most important thing I learned from his video is you need to memorize some telephone numbers so that if you are ever arrested, you can call somebody.  By the time they let him have his phone back, it was dead and he couldn't get a number to call.  He was trapped, and nobody knew where he was.  For weeks and weeks his family had no idea what had happened to him.

Back when I was a kid, we memorized everyone's number.  Of course, they were almost all three or four digits in Pryor.  Now I don't know a single number of anyone.  I'm going to memorize a number or two, because if this could happen to a person like Glenn, it could happen to any of us.

I have found myself--as of late--becoming jaded about some of the things going on in our world.  There is so much poverty, murder, child-abuse, assault and robbery, embezzlement, elder abuse, political greed and general evil going on, that it is hard to wrap my mind around it all.

There is so much of it that I wonder how one person like me can make a difference.

Then I remember the words of Jesus, and that what He called us to do was always connected to our own neighborhood.  Feed the poor, help the downtrodden.  I can't save the world, but I can feed the poor that I know and see.  I can take an active part in trying to correct injustice in my town.

The news media is bombarding us with stuff we can't do anything about.  It gets discouraging.  Figure out something you can do.  Then do it.  Sometimes listening is all a person needs from us.  

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