Wednesday, October 18, 2017

I told you that I read every day.  Today I am finishing a book from a "Name it and claim it" group.  Unless you want a course on how to "Raise people from the dead," I'd say you should definitely skip it.  I said I would read it for a friend before I realized what it was about.

These groups believe that you can heal anybody from any disease, and  that you need--you must-- rise to a higher level of Christianity by speaking in "tongues."  In other words, your salvation depends on how much faith you have.  If you don't heal someone from their sickness, or if you don't speak in tongues, there is something wrong with you.  Your faith is not complete.

I am always suspect of any teaching that adds something to the concept of "Saved by Faith and the Grace of God."  Jesus paid it all.  There is nothing more than that.  There is nothing you can "do" to improve on your salvation.  Jesus said you only needed the faith of a mustard seed.

The word "tongue" in the Bible always refers to language.  And at the time it was written, getting the good news out was difficult because of language barriers.  There is a record of someone speaking and another person understanding even though they were of two language groups.  When God needs someone to hear the gospel message, He can make that happen.  John said in his second letter that if anybody comes with another message than the gospel, don't listen to them or give them God speed.

The Bible says "gifts" were given.  There were many gifts people had, just like today.  But babbling so that God can better understand you better isn't one of them.  "Behold the Lord's arm is not shortened that He cannot save you, nor His ear heavy that He cannot hear you..."  God hears your every word.  You need to talk to Him about what concerns you.  Tell Him that you love Him.  He is waiting to listen in whatever language you speak.  Mine is English.

Some people are convinced that there is something "more" than a relationship with God through faith in Jesus.  They will cut to the chase of "healing and tongues" within minutes of meeting you.  I prefer to talk about redemption.  And what the fruit of the Spirit really is:  Love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and temperance.  If you have those nine qualities, you are growing in His Spirit.  Speaking in tongues is not mentioned.

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