Friday, February 16, 2018

Carolyn called and asked why I didn't post yesterday.  I told her that I did.  At least in my mind I did. Sure enough, I didn't.  I have a routine that I go through--usually writing at night and posting what I wrote the next morning.  Oops.  I went to a party the night before and got home late.

Becky had her yearly Valentine party Weds. night.  Anyone and everyone was invited.  She makes every kind of cheese cake you can imagine--from scratch, as well as 6-8 other cakes, along with pulled pork barbecue, dips, candied bacon, and every kind of fruit you can think of.   Over a hundred people usually come, and bring their friends and children.  I invited my neighbors from across the street, and the ones next door.  They came.  Both of those neighbors bring me something to eat nearly every night, so I was glad I found a way to reciprocate--even if Becky did all the work.  My neighbors are awesome.  It is such a blessing.

A number of years ago, there was a single man who lived across the street from Ken and me.  He was waiting on a heart transplant and was very weak.  When I would cook for Ken and myself, there was always enough to take a plate across the street.  Eventually I was able to pray with him about his condition and ask him if he was a Christian.  Long story short, he wasn't, but he began to read the Bible and go to church with his daughter.  He accepted Christ and was baptized.

I was so happy for him.  When I would take him a plate of food, we would talk about his life and how he had been changed.  He had a new heart in Christ Jesus.  But his earthly heart gave out before the transplant came.  I am so thankful that I know he is in heaven.  He'll probably have dinner ready for me when I get there.

Every time my neighbors bring me supper, or dessert, I think about when I was taking food to him.  He would be so thankful for it.  Now, I understand how he felt having someone bring him dinner.

For God's people, I think what goes around, comes around.  In the Marine Corps, you seldom got to repay the person who helped you move in--people always brought food, etc.  The rule was that you helped the next family.  It all works out in the end.  Once I was on the "giving" end.  Now I am on the "receiving" end.  God is good.

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