Wednesday, February 7, 2018

I have a friend who is going through a tough time.  She has a problem which she can't solve.  There is nothing she can personally do.  These are the toughest type of problems that we encounter.

When problems arise, we stew, and fret, and try to solve the situation.  Sometimes, we can use our wisdom to figure out what to do.   The Bible says, "Get wisdom, get understanding....Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all your getting get understanding." Proverbs 4:5-7.

In other words, some problems we can solve.  With wisdom.  Previously acquired knowledge is critical in becoming a wise person.  Using that knowledge is an indication of maturity.  But sometimes, there is no solution within our abilities.  Sometimes it doesn't matter how wise you are.  There is no obvious solution.  Nothing you can do.

So, we pray.  Maybe you are thinking, "You should have done that in the first place."  But most of the problems in our lives, we solve with the knowledge and wisdom we possess:  Should I buy a Lincoln, or a Chevrolet?  Should I go to the grocery store this morning, this afternoon, or wait until tomorrow?    Shall I wear my yellow dress to church, or my pink one.  We weigh the possibilities, and make a decision.  You don't pray about every decision you make.  Neither do I.  Some decisions have obvious or automatic solutions.

But some decisions are beyond our wisdom.  Beyond our understanding.  They usually involve other people.  Like taking a new job.  Or picking a person to marry.  Or choosing a church, etc.  The decision will affect other people.  It will have lasting consequences.  You want to know what God wants you to do because you want to be in His will.  Not like whether you wear yellow or pink.

My prayer in such situations goes something like this:  "Father, (although I usually start with "Dear God") I am stumped.  I don't know what to do.  I don't even know if there is something that I can do.  Could you help me with this?  And if not, could you let me know so I will stop trying to figure it out."

Sometimes, doing nothing is the answer to the problem.

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