Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Nine years after I thought that I was through with babies, when all my children were finally in school I found out that I was pregnant. Totally unexpected.  Pat was 15,  Becky 13, and Scott was 9.  Jon was born into an entirely different family than our other three children had grown up in.

Ken was no longer a pilot in the USMC.  He was a college professor.  Jon spent his entire life in Pryor.  His friends in the nursery at our church remained his friends for life.  Not so for our first three children.  They had to constantly be making new friends.  Living with constant upheaval.  They were military kids.  Totally adaptable to the unexpected, having moved multiple times.

We all tease Jon and tell him that he didn't learn to walk until he went to kindergarten because from the moment he was born some one was holding him, carrying him or toting him on their shoulders.
He was a quiet child.  Never complained.  Did what he was told to do.  Compliant.  When he started pre-school, every little boy in the class was someone he had known since he was born.  Never any conflict in his life.  I have the cutest picture of him and Becky.  She is getting ready to leave for college, Jon is getting ready to start kindergarten.

One day when I got home from a class I was enrolled in, I went to pick him up at pre-school, and he wasn't there.  The teacher panicked and started calling all of his friends to see if they knew where he was, where he had gone.  Finally, two of his closest friends confessed.  They had locked him in a cabinet that morning and forgot to let him out.  The teacher opened the cabinet and there he was.  Jon's nature was to sit there quietly until his friends came back!!  I think he must have taken a nap.  I almost had a heart attack.  So did the teacher.  But in her defense,  he was such a quiet child, never causing any trouble, that it was easy not to notice whether he was there or not.  He was a watcher.

He loved computers. Ken bought one of the first Apple 2's when Jon was in the second grade. They learned to use it, take it apart and put it back together.  The school principal called us that summer and asked if Jon (who was 8 years old) could come teach the teachers how to use one.  He did.  But when school began that fall, he wasn't allowed to use it since it was only for the teachers.  Until some teacher had a problem--then they would come and get him to help them.  He was the school tech support person from then on.  

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