Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Jon has been the HS Physics teacher in Moore, Oklahoma for the last few years.  But today is his last day, he has taken a job with Mid America Technology Center as the Mechatronics instructor. (Robots and Drones)   Who would have ever known that all those years figuring out computers with his dad, and designing lego structures would qualify him to build robots and drones? (Of course there is the college degree he completed.)  It is a brand new program for the technology department, so he will get to build it from the ground up.  For him, I'm sure it will be like playing with toy building blocks.  He's excited.  I'm excited for him.

You never know what your kids will end up doing.  Becky started out as an Industrial Engineer (OSU) solving computer problems in industry.  Quit, and began to travel and take groups overseas with her to explore the world.  She speaks three languages fairly well, and three others--good enough to get around.  However, she now organizes estate sales in between.  With my sister.  They are exactly the same age.  Lisa was born 7 days before Becky.  (Swan Estate Sales--Lisa and I are Swans.)  Once Becky learns how to do something, she wants to explore something else.

Scott does something with computers for Phillips beyond my ability to understand.  Or Conoco.  Or Conoco-Phillips.  They keep changing their name and I can't keep up.  But I think his favorite activity is refereeing Baseball and umpiring Football.  Scott has always had a job--to support his addiction to sports.  He is a consummate jock.  Since he's over the hill to play, he gets on the field one way or another.   He says the most fun game to referee is girl's softball.  The parents don't get bent out of shape in those games.  But he loves it all.  

Pat taught school for years.  Both college and high school.  And she raises horses.  She is a sought after judge at horse shows.  She fosters dogs, raises chickens and brings me her organic eggs.  She trapped a raccoon this morning that had been killing her chickens.  She said I'm gonna kill that sucker when I catch him, but true to her nature of loving animals, she trapped him and took him to the river and tuned him loose.  She got bored when she retired, so is working for a local library.

I'm the only normal person in the family.

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