Friday, February 2, 2018

I have another wonderful grandson who calls me every week.  Scott's youngest, Sam.  He brought his wife Tiffany, and baby daughter Olivia, to see me last Saturday.  He was a golf pro in Colombia, Missouri, but they wanted to get back to Oklahoma and family.  Tiff got a really good job offer in Tulsa, so they moved back and are living with her folks until Sam finds a job.  Sam checked with the golf courses in Tulsa, but nobody was hiring in January.

We talked for over an hour about how hard it is to make ends meet with only one of them working.  And the difficulties of living with family while Sam tries to find work.  And about what Sam was going to do--recognizing that someone had to take care of Olivia while he looked for a job, and there was no money for childcare while he looked.  Catch 22.  A real estate agency offered him a job, but that has no guarantees and it's only commission--you have to sell a house before you get the money for childcare--and in the meantime you have a baby on your hip.  Catch 22 again.

Sam recently qualified for the PGA with two back to back rounds, of 69.  (He's 24 years old and has been a golfer all his life.) He has started the process of getting a PGA card--but it costs a lot of money--and you have to be able to have the time to do it and the money to do it.  Catch 22 again.

We decided to pray about it.  He said, "Tiffany and I are tithing, but by the time we do that, there isn't any money left over.  And sometimes, I think I am tithing to see if God will give us more money--and I know that isn't right.  I want my attitude to be right.  But it's hard when money is so tight."

He called me today to say, "Grandmother!! I got a job offer at two different golf courses today.  This has to be a God thing!!!  One of them offered me a job, gave me papers to fill out, and as I left, the other place--where I really wanted to work, called me and asked me if I wanted a job--they needed me now.  I'll be able to give lessons on the side."  (Of course it's a God thing!)  He was so excited.  And I am so excited for him.  He will make enough to pay for childcare and have money left over."

God is good.  He answers our prayers.  One way or another, he is going to take care of us.  Sam and Tiff can both work, Olivia can go to a fabulous childcare center, and maybe we'll see Sam playing golf on TV someday?

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