Thursday, February 8, 2018

Squig drags my houseshoes, or my socks, or gloves--any thing that I wear that hasn't been put away high enough that he can't reach it--into the family room every day.  He doesn't chew on anything.  Just repositions it.  And he always brings it into that one room where I spend most of my time and plops it down.   I don't get it.  He's trying to tell me something?  I have no idea what.

He never goes into the back of the house.  (Neither do I.)  But while Becky Bacon was here, he went back there (where she was staying).  He dragged her things into the front of the house as well.  Maybe he thinks he is helping everyone??  I'm always putting stuff back where it goes.

Trying to figure other people out is just as difficult as well as trying to figure Squig out.  My next door neighbor is a retired pastor.  He and I were talking this morning--about figuring people out--why they say and do the things they do.  He said something interesting that I will put in my mental storehouse.  He said, "The thing that makes us frustrated with people is that we have expectations.   And sometimes, what you expect, is something that person doesn't have the capacity to do."

I expect people to grow.  Get better.  Grow in wisdom.  Be kinder.  More mature.  But some people don't do that.  They are satisfied where they are.  They see what they want to see, and no more.  They think what they want to think, and no more.  They do what they want to do, and no more.  Even if it is wrong and self destructive.

So--if you stop expecting anything from people, you won't be disappointed.  Which sounds good to me because I hate to be disappointed in people.

My problem  is that I keep expecting something...which means that I am doing the same thing over and over again thinking there will be a different outcome.  Spinning my wheels.  Trying to help people who don't recognize help when it comes their way.

I guess we are not in charge of the outcome of what we do.  We are simply called to love people, and try to help them.  Some people are difficult to love.  But God doesn't excuse us from trying.

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