Friday, February 23, 2018

Ken and I had three girls before Scott was born.  Ken was gone most of the time, and Scott says he was raised by a bunch of women.  Which isn't entirely true.  But he did want a brother.  We explained to him that that wasn't going to happen.  We were not going to have any more children.  So when I told the family that I was pregnant, Scott whooped and said, "I've been praying for a brother for a long time.  God finally heard me."  I explained that it might be another sister, to which he replied, "God wouldn't do that to me."

When we were trying to think what we would name him or her, Scott said, "It's a him.  And you can name him what you want to, but I'm calling him Jon."  It seemed easier to agree with him than fight over a name.  Problem was, when Jon arrived, he came in a small 10 pound package.  Scott asked, "He's so little.  When will he be big enough to play baseball?"  I guess he thought Jon would come full grown.  As Jon grew up, he had no interest in baseball.  Ever.  Which Scott lived, ate and breathed.  Jon loved legos and books.  Scott saw no use for either one.

Since he was nine years older than Jon, Scott felt responsible to "toughen this little kid up," as Scott put it.  And of course, Scott was always the victor of their squabbles.  Until one summer, Scott came home from college and started wrestling with Jon.  Jon pinned him, and very quietly said, "Say uncle."  Which Scott wouldn't do.  And Jon, the quiet gentle giant that he, was kept Scott pinned.  Forever.  With Scott yelling at the top of his voice about what all he was going to do to Jon when he got loose.  Jon just quietly held him down.  I don't know how long this went on, but eventually, Scott said "uncle," and never tormented Jon again.   The little kid brother was finally toughened up.  

Scott was tall and lanky.  Jon was built like a barn.  All muscle, with a 19 inch neck.  He set weight lifting records in Pryor that were eventually taken down because they were discouraging to weight lifters, who couldn't come close to breaking them. Seven times his body weight.

Scott got his brother.  Ken and I told him to find something else to pray for.  We didn't need any more kids.  You need to be careful what you pray for.  You may get it.


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