Tuesday, February 6, 2018

I love underdog stories.  When someone overcomes all obstacles and reaches their goal.  That was the Philly Eagles, Sunday night.  But most of all, it was about a quarterback that gave up, was ready to quit football altogether, came back, got an unexpected chance, and and beat a super champ.  Not that I am against Brady!!  But Foles was calm, did his job and led his team consistently.  I'm not a football fan, but watching Foles against a superman--Brady--was interesting.  It will be talked about for years to come.

Sometimes we think our adversaries will overcome us.  That Christ won't win.  That our problems are too big for God.  I think it is because we look at the problem rather than at our leader--Jesus.

You may think that I don't have problems with people because I always try to write positive things.  Wrong.  I have problems with people that sometimes seem impossible to resolve.  You can't put yourself "out there" in the world without facing problems.  And sometimes they get me down.

Then I remind myself that my problems are God's problems--and that it is not necessarily my job to solve them.  My job is to trust Him.  And some problems don't get solved.  At least like I want them to be solved.  We don't see the big plan.  We have to remember that we are just a cog in the machinery of the Big Plan.

We have been studying the Book of Acts at church, about Paul's journeys.  Mercy.  Talk about someone who had problems, Paul had them.  But he didn't let it stop him.  And we are the recipients of his steadfast journeys, as he traveled thousands of miles by foot to spread the gospel--at some points dusting off his feet when he was rejected, and moving on to another city.

But primarily, writing.  And writing, and writing.  I'm thankful he ended up in a Roman prison so he had to limit himself to writing rather than preaching--because we now have the letters he wrote.  I don't want to end up in prison--neither do you.  But who knows what God's plans are for us.  I just want to be sure that I am in tune with His plan.

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