Monday, February 5, 2018

I did something yesterday that I don't remember ever doing before.  I watched the Superbowl.  All my life when football was on, I left the room to Ken and Scott and Jon.  Who (all three) were All State Oklahoma athletes who went on to play for colleges and the Navy.  I am definitely not an athlete and never understood the fascination of watching people running into each other and knocking each other down.  So I left the field--so to speak--to the guys.

But through the years, I softened up, and by the time the boys had graduated, it was just Ken and me, so I would sometimes watch with him--we knew some of the players--and that made it more interesting.  NEO at Miami was #1 in in football in the nation a number of years while we were teaching there, and we had dozens of young men that had passed through our classes and gone on to four year schools to play football--and a number who went pro.  It is more interesting when you know the players personally.  I had Scott Case in algebra...for one example.

So there I was yesterday.  Alone.  Nobody to watch anything with.  Much less football.   And I watched the Superbowl.  I wonder how many times I could have watched with my three guys and didn't.   Oh, well.

There are times in life we wish we could get back and do something over again.  But it doesn't work that way.  You get one shot.   You have to remember that it's not about you.  It's always about them.  Whoever your "them" is.  I doubt the boys cared whether I watched football with them or not.  I kept the food coming while they watched.  Food and football.  They were happy.

Life is like that.  Sometimes, you miss an opportunity to do something you wish you would have done.  Let it go.  Do something now.  With the people in your life that are here now.  And it certainly doesn't have to be football.  Intersecting people's lives is the object.  We have a story to tell, and it would be sad if there wasn't anyone to tell it to.  Make friends.  Put yourself out there.  Go on the offensive.  (I learned that word watching football.)

Try to be the person God wants you to be--in other people's lives.  You might make an eternal difference.

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