Tuesday, February 20, 2018

I called the library today and told them to stop sending me books.  As long as a book is sitting around that I haven't read, I'm going to read it.  Everything else waits.  I usually read four or five books a week and the library keeps me well supplied.

I am totally undisciplined when it comes to things I don't want to do.  I always save them for last.  I've told you before, that I procrastinate by doing things in the opposite order that they need to be done.  I eventually get all of it done when the pressure is on.  In the meantime, I read.

But it is tax time.  Which I don't want to think about.  And of course, I have to.  A person has to round up all their tax stuff and get it in some sort of order.  So three weeks ago, I moved everything--all the paper that needed to be shredded, and all the paper that needed to be sorted--to the family room.  It has been sitting there ever since--while I read.  I've looked at it every now and then.


So, today after I called the library and told them my dilemma, (they laughed when I told them  my reason for wanting them to stop the books) they said they would renew sending me books in March.  That done, I started going through all of my paper, separating it into categories.  Trash, keep, and shred.  I threw out the trash, put all the tax stuff on a table to go through, and got my shredder out.  It didn't work.  I messed with it and poked around on it for an hour--to no avail.  The only thing I accomplished was to sprinkle bits of paper all over the floor.


I am going to have to buy a new shredder.  Which irritates me.  I see the work of the devil in all of this.  I bet everyone in America is going through the same thing and agrees with me.  It is the one thing we all have in common.  We have to file our taxes.  Remember the old saying came that says, "You can be for sure of two things in this world.  Death and Taxes."  Double bummer.

"Render to Caeser the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's." Matthew 20:21

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