Thursday, February 1, 2018

Steven and I wandered around the old part of the city of York for days.  I was fascinated by the curving narrow streets that had served the people fairly well a thousand years ago.  They couldn't be made wider unless they tore down the shops--which were the "draw" to get people to wander around.  And the stone walls around the town were interesting as well. Steven loved the shops.  I think we went in every one of them.  Steven spent his money on a Cloisonne' turtle for his mom.

We missed our train one evening because we were having so much fun.  So I got a train schedule to see if there was any way we could get back to Grimsby that night.  I finally figured it out, but it would take a one hour train change at an obscure place with no station.  So we trusted the schedule and got on the first train.

It stopped to let us off.  We were the only two people who disembarked.  Onto a concrete slab.  That's it.  No town, no people, no building, no nothing.  And it was snowing.  And I knew my daughter would start to wonder what had happened to us when we didn't return on time.  I didn't own a cell phone.  I didn't have a number to call anyway.

We stood on the slab.  I prayed to God that He would send a train to pick us up.  I prayed to God that someone would tell the conductor of the train to look for us.  I prayed to God that we wouldn't freeze to death.  And like a good grandmother, I said, "Steven!!  We are on an adventure!!  This will be a great story to tell your mom when we get back."  We jumped up and down to keep warm.  And I checked my watch a million times--wondering if there was going to be a train at the scheduled time--or any time.  I even worried that the train personnel might have gone on strike.

The train came on time.  It stopped for the two of us.  We got on and arrived late at Grimsby.  And Steven had a great story to tell everyone at dinner that evening.

I love my grandson.  But my daughter Becky gets the credit for our relationship.  She purposely wanted her boys to have a relationship with me and got us tickets to go with her to Europe at least a zillion times.  She is a generous, giving person.  I am a lucky mom and grandmother.  God blessed me with two daughters, two sons, and ten grandchildren who love me.  What more could I ask for.

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