Friday, February 9, 2018

The Olympics started yesterday.  North Korea seems to be getting a lot of coverage because they are joining  some of the events.  I can't help but wonder where that situation would be if the USA hadn't stopped at the 38th parallel in the 50's.  (The Korean War)  It is easier to figure out what we should have done after the fact.  When you look at the advanced culture of our democratic ally S. Korea, and the situation that exists in totalitarian N. Korea, you wonder how the people in North Korea endure the oppression.  Maybe they don't know that they are oppressed??

Maybe because they don't have anything to compare their condition with.  There is no freedom of the press, or speech.  And they don't have access to news outside their country.  It is a closed society.  They are fed a constant stream of propaganda.  They don't know about the truth.  All they know is what they are told.

The problem with freedom of the press, however, is that you can print and distribute things that aren't true.  And with the massive explosion of the media, we are bombarded with words.  True words, or false words.  It is hard sometimes to figure out.  Some people think that if it is in print, it's true.   Ha.

Those of us who are Christians have depended on the truth of the Bible for over 2000 years.  And when you examine the lives of those who have truly given their lives to Christ, the truth is evident in their changed lives.  His applied truth works, and is evident.  The truth presented in the Bible has stood the test of time.  Truth lasts.  It endures.  It doesn't change.  And God's truth endures.

I would not live the life that the non Christian lives.  There is such peace in "The Way," as the first Christians called themselves.

There is a "way" to live that brings joy.  There is a "way" to find happiness.  There is a "way" to have peace in the midst of trouble.  If you aren't a Christian, you won't get what I am talking about.  The words of Jesus are truth that have stood the ages.

You aren't a Christian??  How's that working for you?

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