Friday, March 2, 2018

Even though the Jews were on the wrong side of history as far as Jesus and Paul, and the beginning of the Gospel, the Jews are the people of God.  Ken's father, who was a preacher, used to say the Jews were God's time clock.  We can measure the future by the Jewish nation.

Over two thousand years ago it was predicted in the Bible that they would get their country back.  In the 40's, after the Holocaust, they were given back their homeland, Israel, and have been besieged by the countries that surround them ever since.  The Bible says that ultimately, all countries will be against them.  Seems like it could happen any day.  I hate to think that the USA will turn against Israel.

I will never understand war.  I will never understand Russia, Syria, North Korea, etc.  I will never understand the need for power that causes despots and countries to destroy another nation.  Money.  I guess if you have money, you have power?  There is evil in the world.

Sometimes it feels like evil will prevail.  America seems to be slip-sliding down the tubes of addiction, sexual depravity, pleasure seeking and Godlessness.  I'm homesick for the good old days when families went to church and ate chicken dinner on Sunday.  The good old days when people didn't use filthy language with every other word.

I am an idealist.  I want people to be good.  I want them to be kind to each other.  I want them to help each other.  I want them to think of ways they can lift people up.

I guess I am dreaming?  I want a better world.

I am afraid that it might be heaven.  It doesn't look like it is going to be heaven on earth.

I miss Ken.  Somedays, I long for goodness.  And peace.  And tranquility.  Sorry, I sound like I'm down.  I'm not.  There is hope.  Christ is going to come get us.  I've read the end of the book.

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