Thursday, March 1, 2018

I loved teaching the book of Acts.  I learned so much.  When you look at all the territory that Paul covered 2000 years ago, it's amazing.  When you discover how many times he was ridiculed, beaten, jailed, and run out of town you can't help but realize that we own him a debt of gratitude that is immense.  And those that traveled with him as well.  They wrote.  They recorded.  And we have their words to read.

Paul took the facts of Jesus' life and spread the good news as far away as Rome.  Although he was a Jew, although he was a theological genius, although he was a Pharisee, he humbled himself to the will of God and took the message to everyone.  Not just the Jews.  Most of the Jews hated Jesus.  And they detested Paul.  The message of Christ was a threat to their power.

Rome had granted the Jews the power to run their country for the purpose of keeping the peace.  But they had to have permission from Rome to have someone put to death.  That's why Paul appealed to Caesar.  There were no grounds for the Jews accusations.  But that didn't keep them from continuing to try.  Much like what happened to Jesus.

Peter and James had a hard time accepting the truth that the Christ came for everyone.  They finally came around, as did the others.  However, there were those who received the message but wouldn't give up the law.  They wanted converts to become Jews before they became Christians.  Thanks to Paul, this didn't happen. But there are still Christian people and denominations today that want to impose rules and laws on their members.  It's all about power.

Some churches want to add something to belief in the death and resurrection and sacrifice Jesus made.  But Jesus paid it all.  There is nothing more for us to do.  He is our gift from God.

Luke wrote the book of Acts.  He wasn't an apostle, but he was a disciple and companion of Paul.  Luke wrote one of the gospels as well.  His two books make up over one fourth of the New Testament.  Both are historical.  The history of Jesus' time on earth, and the history of what happened next.  Read them.  I suggest using the Living Bible.  It isn't a translation, it is a transliteration--that is, it is in current English phrases.  But whatever, read it.  God touches you through His Word.

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