Thursday, March 8, 2018

Once I get off on Evolution Theory versus Natural Selection within a kind of animal, it's hard to stop.  Different kinds of animals have different traits--which, since 1998, we now know for sure are passed through DNA. I could go on all day about this.

But I won't.  Suffice to say, God is unbelievable--beyond my ability to comprehend.  He is so smart.

Mankind is so utterly pompous to think that something so incredibly complex could have happened on its own.  Cells dividing, creating new DNA (which doesn't happen) and aways getting better and better.  When all around us everything gets worse and worse, or vanishes.  Enough!!!

New subject.  My Koi pond broke again.  The pump froze over the winter.  After I had paid  someone to winterize it.  I am down to one Koi and two pitiful goldfish.  They survived.  They are the most expensively decked out fish in Edmond by now.  A Koi pond is a money pit.  If you don't have one, count yourself lucky.  I would remove this one but it has something to do with drainage in the back yard.  What?  I don't know.  If the itch to get a Koi pond hits you, take a trip to the Zoo.

Dogs are so much more entertaining.  Squig is perfect.  No flaws at all.  I'm not biased.  The only thing a fish does is come to the edge of the pond when you start scattering food.

One thing I've learned about since I write every day.  People want to hear stories.  Stories hold our attention.  Especially the ones that turn out happy, triumphant, or the good guy wins.  Every time I write stories about Ken, I get notes telling me how much you enjoy them.

I wish I had paid more attention when Ken told a story.  But you know how things go, you always think that there will be another day to write that down.  I wish I had written down all the stories my mom, and especially my dad, told.

Men like to tell the stupid stuff they did.  Women try to make the story more presentable.  Maybe that's why Dad's stories and Ken's stories are more interesting.  They didn't clean their stories up.

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