Tuesday, March 13, 2018

I am going all the way to Pryor this week sometime to get my hair cut.  I have tried five different hair dressers here and nobody can cut it right.  I hate to drive two and a half hours to get a hair cut, but I've given up on finding anyone here.  It will be fun, however, to see my Pryor friends.  And Scott and Stacy have built a new house that I've never seen.  They moved in last month.

Sunday the lesson was on sex.  Imagine trying to teach a lesson that was relevant to a group of women over sixty.  The only new information I could give them was that they were in the age group of a newly emerging statistic--of people who weren't married moving in together.  Young people move in together for sex.  Old people move in together to keep the government from taking their retirement in Social Security.  Either way, God says don't do it.  Get a license and get married.

Up until the early fifties, everyone thought that homosexuality was a choice you made.  But "Dear Abby" answered a letter she got in the mail on the subject, and declared that people couldn't help themselves--that they were born that way.  Ta-dah.  Now it became a fact.  Dear Abby said so--it must be true. Whether it is true or not.  It caught on.  Deviant behavior was no longer sin.

I used to sit in Ken's office waiting on him to go home at the end of the day.  The only reading material was a zillion books on social behavior.  (That's what he taught.  Marriage and Family, followed by Deviant Behavior.  I'm sure they have made up a new name for that course?  It wouldn't be politically correct to call homosexuality "deviant" anymore?)  Study after study recorded statistics on behavior.  None supported the "born that way--Dear Abby" theory.  All of them supported the statistics of some encounter that directed a person's sex drive which occurred at a young age.

There are three main types of behavior.  1. Reflexes you can't control such as hic-cups, knee jerk reaction, sneezing, etc.  2. Controlled behavior.  Choices you make.  Get a degree, take a vacation, etc. 3. Drives.  Behavior that can be controlled to some degree but will react to a stimulus and are necessary for the continuation of the species.  Hunger, sleep, thirst, sex.  Once the reaction to a sex stimulus occurs, it sets a pattern for continuance in that direction.  The Bible has a lot to say about deviant sex, even sex with other species.  God made man.  He gets to decide what is deviant, not Dear Abby.  We don't want to offend anyone by being politically incorrect.  God doesn't have that problem.

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