Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Two books in the Bible are entirely about women--and what happened in their lives.  Ruth, and Esther.  Some time ago, I was writing about women in the Bible.  Many women weren't named, but played an important role in history.  Someday, when I am so inspired, I'll pick that up again where I left off.

Since I mentioned that perhaps Priscilla wrote Hebrews, I'll hit some of the highlights of that book.  The first verse, "God who at different times, and in different manners, spoke unto the fathers by the prophets, has in these last days spoken to us by his Son..."  The verse refers to Old Testament history.

The Old Testament is separated into sections. The first five books are called the "Pentateuch."  All Jewish males had to memorize these by the time they were twelve.  You remember the story about Jesus as a young boy going to the Temple with his parents and amazing the Pharisees with his knowledge of the Bible.  Even after he was thirty years old, Jesus quoted scripture that he had learned in his early years--using scripture that all Jewish men were familiar with.  (To point out where they were guilty of breaking God's laws.)

We should all try to memorize passages in God's Word.  I use an organization called the Navigators to help me memorize, but more than that, to recall.  Scripture will pop into my head because I have memorized it under a topical heading. Topics like: peace, hope, prayer, thanksgiving, etc.)

The next twelve books are History.  Followed by five books of Poetry.  The last books are Major and Minor Prophets.  All pointing to the coming of the Messiah.  "God...spoke...to the prophets."  It is through those writings that we know about both the first appearance of the Messiah, and the second coming.  Jesus is validated by prophecy.  It is statistically impossible for Him not to have been the Messiah--due to fulfilled prophecies.  I did the math.  There have not been enough people born in history for the one in a zillion chances it wasn't Him.  He fulfilled every prophecy.  He is the Christ.

Even if you commit only one scripture to memory, the Bible says: "My Word will not return unto Me void.  It will accomplish that which I have purposed it."  I memorize when I am driving on long stretches of road.  Or stopped at a red light--which irritates me.  I don't like waiting.

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