Wednesday, March 28, 2018

This birthday thing keeps going on.  My neighbors next door (Dean and Jeaninne Bryce) had a celebration birthday dinner for me.  Neighbors came.  It was lovely.  Mexican food.  So delicious.  One of the neighbors (Linda) brought strawberry short cake with whipped cream and chocolate over the top.  Decadent.  Mine had a candle.  My wish was:  that they would do the same thing--with the same food--for my 90th.

I am so blessed to have made such wonderful friends in Edmond.  I didn't think I would be able to do that.  Because it is hard to do in a new place.  But like I have said before, God plopped me down in the middle of neighborhood heaven.

Becky Bacon is here.  Came last night and stayed for her eye appointment today.  Results weren't good.  Bad news is that she has to have more surgery.  Good news is that she will be coming back to spend a week with me.  She is the most calming person I have ever known.  Just totally peaceful.  Nothing rattles her.  We just sit here and don't talk or do anything most of the time.  It's perfect.  She's one of those people that if I have dirty dishes in the sink, I don't have to clean them up or load them in the dishwasher--until I feel like it.  She knows where everything is.  She leaves her stuff in a drawer in the guest bathroom.  I love it.

When I go to bed at night and say my prayers, I seem to fall asleep in the middle of the "Thank You part."  I am the world's most thankful person.  The list goes on and on.

My daughter Becky missed my party.  She just spent ten days in Japan with her youngest son, David, and his wife.  She is now hooked on Sumo wrestling.

One of my "thankfuls" is that I thank all of you out there for reading what I write.  It gives me a purpose.  I am humbled that you stay with me.  Tomorrow, I am going to tell you a funny story about Scott.  He will probably kill me.  Or sue me for defamation of character.  However, everything I tell about Scott is the truth.   There's no defamation involved!!

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