Wednesday, March 21, 2018

The next passage in Hebrews that caught my eye is in 2:1.  The verse begins with the word: "Therefore."  Any time the word "therefore" appears in a Biblical letter, you should pay attention.  The writer is going to say something important.  Hebrews 2:1, "Therefore, we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard, lest at any time we should let them slip."

Paying attention.  Listening.  Asking questions.  But then, subsequently, storing what we have learned--for our future benefit, or the benefit of others.  We are what we learn.  We are what we remember.  We store up knowledge for the future.  A child that touches a hot stove won't do that again.  A child that has his first ice cream cone will want another one.  And a child who has someone that will read books to them will become a reader--and subsequently be full of knowledge.  

We are the sum of our experiences.  We are the sum of those who have gone before us.  I watched a documentary today on the evacuation at Dunkirk, France during World War Two.  The horrible conditions that befell the English troops as they tried to flee across the English Channel away from German forces.  They evacuated 335,000 men on life boats trying to get them back to England before they were overrun and killed.  Thousands upon thousands died in that effort.

Every fisherman in England who had a fishing boat set sail to help the battleships in their effort.  To save the few they could also carry.  The people of England will always remember being part of something bigger than themselves.  They saved lives.  They risked their own lives to do it.  The documentary was about patriotism.  The rescue effort they made will tug at your heart.

The book of Hebrews is about Jesus and the sacrificial effort that he made to save us.  Coming from Heaven to Earth to rescue us.  To save our lives so that we could have a future.  It should tug at our hearts.   Lest we forget, or fail to pass the story along to those who haven't heard it.  Jesus died.  He gave up his life for yours.  He took your penalty on Himself.  It was a gift.  You get a free ride Home to live forever on Heavenly soil.  "Greater love has no one than this: to lay down his life for his friends." John 15:13.

After he returned from the war in Vietnam, Ken told me, "God willing, I will never leave America again." And he didn't.  And we will never have to leave Heaven.  It's forever. 

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