Monday, March 5, 2018

Everyone in my family has thick, gorgeous, beautiful hair.  Becky, Pat, Lisa and Ann.  Even my in-laws have beautiful hair, as well as my granddaughters, and my grandson's wives.  Luscious hair.

But me.  No.  All my life I bemoaned my hair.  It was thin, baby fine, no body, and grew so slow that a bad haircut lasted me a year.  I wish I had that hair back.  I would never be unhappy with it again.

Chemotherapy took care of it.  It kills some cells in your body permanently.  Fast growing cells such as hair follicles, nerves, fingernails and cancer.  Which sometimes cures you of the cancer, but you'll never get your hair back like it used to be.  But, given a choice, I'll take life over hair.

After I started Chemo, when my hair began to fall out, rather than face the inevitable, I went to the beauty shop and told them, "Shave my head.  I can't stand this slow patchy, pitiful loss.  Just shave it."  So they did.  Come to find out, I have a pretty head!  Who knew.  I kinda liked the bald look. And for the first time ever, I learned where the crown of my head is.  I could never find it before.  It is not on top of my head.  It is up on the back, on the right side.  Weird.

It's been ten years since I had breast cancer, I have been declared as well as any one can be.   My chances for it returning are no worse now than the general population.  I am eternally grateful for my life.  And I am grateful for the hair that grew back.  It much thinner.  It is even stringier and limper than it was before.  But the oddest thing, it never turned gray.  Before, or after.  It's still brown.  Go figure.

Pat gave me a permanent.  I hadn't had one in years.  It is a miracle.  The thin stringy hair looks fluffy.  Not very curly, just thicker.  It looks great.  I will never complain about my hair again.

I feel like God has given me a second "hair chance."  "In everything give thanks.  For this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you."   1 Thessalonians 5:18

I'm thankful I lived.  Praise God.  Many women didn't--and don't.  I love my fluffy hair.

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