Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Saturday, Pat gave a birthday party for me.  It was a first for me.  I had never had a birthday party before.  When I was growing up, when someone had a birthday, we just ate dinner together with the same crew of family members that we ate with every Sunday.  The only thing that marked the day was a cake for desert instead of pie.  We didn't have parties.  Nobody could afford banners, balloons, ice cream, and such folderol.  The idea of such excess would never have occurred to anyone.

So having a party in my honor was a new experience for me.  My first real birthday party.  I had a lot of fun.  There were 28 people who came, and three who couldn't make it came the next day.  There was so much conversation going on that the house hummed with a subtle roar.  I think I missed most of it.  I would wander around trying to take it all in, but I never got to visit with some of the people at all.  You could tell that everyone had a wonderful time.  Pat outdid herself.  Food, food, and more food.  And deserts.  Chocolate pound cake--my favorite--German chocolate icing, whipping cream, lemon tarts.  Everything I love to eat.

My next door neighbors are having me over for dinner tonight, and inviting the couple from across the street.  Both of my neighbors bring me a plate when they cook--which is almost every night--but tonight is a dinner to celebrate my 80 years.  I feel like Royalty.  Everyone is happy for me!!  I guess it is a milestone.  Not everyone lives this long.  God willing, I'm not done yet.

Today, I am planting tomatoes.  Perfect.  Scott brought me an entire flat of Jet Stars.  Ann took a few, she wants to try them.  Scott got me started on Jet Stars--they do really well here.  This week I'll plant okra.  It's too early, but I can't wait.  Spring.  It is wonderful to have another spring.  In honor of my birthday, as usual, the redbuds are blooming.  (You will have to read the story about the redbuds in a former post.) The daffodils are nodding, the Bradford pear trees look like vanilla snow cones, and the phlox is starting to bloom.  Tulips are tuliping--in every imaginable color.

I think that this is what heaven is going to look like.  Green.  In full bloom.  All year around.  Except there won't be years.  Scott says that everyone will be permanently thirty-three years old.  I like that.  Thirty three was a good year.  But then, so was thirty four, and thirty five, and........they have all been good years.  Even the bad ones.

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