Wednesday, March 14, 2018

I drove five hours round trip yesterday today to get my hair cut.  I can't tell you how well spent that time was.  I look like me again.  I had given up on ever finding a person in Edmond who could cut it like I wanted it.  The more I explained what I wanted, the more hair they would cut off.  But when I got to my former stylist in Pryor (Barbara),  I said, "Do what you do.  You are my guru."  She did.  I'm a new woman.  Amazing how your hair can make you feel good or feel ugly.  I feel awesome.

No woman in the world wants to feel ugly.  It doesn't matter how young or how old you are, you want to feel pretty--even if you aren't.  Someone recently asked me why I use face powder. "Because my mom told me that you shouldn't leave the house with a shiny nose."  Now, if my nose shines, I feel incomplete.  It doesn't matter if it's true or not, it's true in my head.  I have to powder my nose whether it needs it or not before I leave the house.  I've internalized my mom's rule.

Same thing with lipstick.  I want the kind that looks frosted.  Frosted lips.  That makes me happy..

So I guess I have to say, "Beauty may only be skin deep, but bring it on."

Feelings are real, but they shouldn't be what controls our actions.  Doing the right thing is sometimes uncomfortable.  We feel hesitant, or feel scared, or feel unsure of ourselves.  But if we live by our feelings, we will--in the long run--get into trouble.  Feelings can't be trusted.  A person needs a guideline on which to base their actions.  And their reactions.

For instance, I am not going to lie.  That's my rule.  I may really want to be honest, because a situation is super uncomfortable.  But because I have that guideline, I don't lie.  I've learned to say things like, "That's an interesting observation." Or, "What do you think about that?"  Or, "Why do you ask?"  I have a zillion answers to questions I don't want to answer.  But if pressed, I will say something like, "I'm sorry I can't agree with you,"  Sometimes the question is so outlandish I just disagree at the git-go.

I just hope that I never do anything that a person would want to lie about.  I want what I do to be in line with God's outlines.  I have an inner desire to please Him.  It's called Love.

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